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  6. #99060 - Drive Hub Pin Screw M4 x .099 Pin Screw (4)
#99060 - Drive Hub Pin Screw M4 x .099 Pin Screw (4)
Buy 4x M4 x .099 Drive Hub Pin Screws Online

#99060 - Drive Hub Pin Screw M4 x .099 Pin Screw (4)

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MIP Price: $3.99
SKU: 99060
Availability: In Stock.
#99060 - Drive Hub Pin Screw M4 x .099 Pin Screw (4) 

  • 4 x M4 x .099 Pin Screw this works the hubs that have the Large version thread and hole 
Pro Tip:
  • Use a good MIP 2.0 mm tool to install and remove set screws. 
  • Use heat from a soldering iron on head of screw if the screws become stuck from thread gel.

World Class Products, Precision Tools, Race Proven Performance, Thats MIP!

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